
This is the Web Page of gerolfgold

Gerolf Stach
Rothenburger Strasse 3
02956 Rietschen
My team of clients is located in the following countries:

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Talking is silver – Recommending is gold!

Securitas Aurum converts into gold your successful recommendations and provides you with a marketing concept which permits you to consume without incurring into any debts.

The philosophy of Securitas Aurum

Securitas Aurum provides all clients, regardless of race, religion, gender or education, the possibility of personal fulfillment, debt free consumption, financial security as well as. 

Gold – a reserve for turbulent times.

Every day we are confronted, in the national and international press, with reports about financial events of all kinds. A general feeling of uncertainty is being spread and we are all getting the feeling that we are living in turbulent and uncertain times.  The trust in the normal values system is disappearing.  The stability of several currencies is suffering under the influence of erroneous political and economical decisions and the current stock prices do not correspond with the realistic situation of the worldwide economy.  In any event, I do not wish to talk about uncertainties caused by others, since security can and should be obtained by ourselves.  Life is a mirror of our own decisions.  The decisions we took in the past reflect how we live today.  So, whatever we decide today will affect our way of life in the future. If you make a commitment to a debt-free consumption today, then it will be some time before you can call the object of your desire your own, but you will not feel crushed by a huge burden of debt tomorrow.  If you decide to acquire gold today, then you will not need to live in fear of having nothing in the future.  It is really not necessary for you to share with others the fear and mistrust in the developments of the current economic situation, but just observe the events with the knowledge that you have already provided for your future security.  Is gold better than a currency? Better than the Pound Sterling, Dollar, Euro, Yen or Rouble?  Of course we are unable to operate without these currencies in our daily lives.  For this reason I venture to say that whilst gold may not be better, it is certainly more secure and of more lasting value than currrencies. Gold has always been a synonym for success, happiness, quality, stability and durability. Gold is simply gold and its history, together with its influence and endless historically related events in the long history of mankind make it unique.  As unique as the commodity itself. Gold conveys a sense of stability and trust since it retains its purchase power over a long period of time. Gold is acquired with the intention of evading the effects of inflation and currency fluctuations. Gold should not be the only pillar of security or retirement plan, but should definitely be a part of an intelligent and secure savings or retirement Portfolio.

Securitas Aurum – your gold shop in the Internet

Securitas Aurum is a young, dynamic and growing e-commerce business assisted by a very competent team with over 20 years experience in the field of purchase and sale of investment gold coins - Gold Bullion Coins and Gold Bullion Bars.

Securitas Aurum is namely commercialized via traditional advertising campaigns and through the internet.  In addition, the company is continuously expanding due to its marketing concept: clients acquire clients whereby the customers have the possibility of obtaining rewards from referrals. 

Presentation dates

For the times given, the following time zones apply +02:00 CEST
Day Start Presenter Content
Thursday 22:00 Dieter Henke currently no presentation Register
For the times given, the following time zones apply +02:00 CEST
Day Start Presenter Content
Tuesday 20:00 Beata Vereš Prezentacija za HRVATSKU, BIH, SRBIJU I CRNO GORU. Prezentacija počinje u 21:00 Register
For the times given, the following time zones apply +02:00 CEST
Day Start Presenter Content
Tuesday 19:35 Dieter Henke / Volkmar Röhniß https://www.dropbox.com/s/1h2oxdo15y29qq6/01.01.2015%20accu-it%20kurze%20Einf%C3%BChrung-erweitert.pdf?dl=0 Register
Wednesday 19:35 Dieter Henke https://www.dropbox.com/s/1h2oxdo15y29qq6/01.01.2015%20accu-it%20kurze%20Einf%C3%BChrung-erweitert.pdf?dl=0 Register
Thursday 20:00 ACCU-IT News und Infos Register
For the times given, the following time zones apply +02:00 CEST
Day Start Presenter Content
Monday 19:00 Alexandre Iglesias Apresentación / capacitación Register
Wednesday 19:00 Hector Julio Franco Apresentación / capacitación Register
Friday 19:00 Alexandre Iglesias Apresentación / capacitación Register
For the times given, the following time zones apply +02:00 CEST
Day Start Presenter Content
Monday 21:00 PT Eduardo Ferreira Formação/Clientes Register
Monday 23:44 Register
Thursday 21:00 PT Eduardo Ferreira Apresentação- Vem Dourar o Teu Futuro Register
Friday 18:30 BR Elizeu Marcondes & Leidiane Diniz Apresentação Register

Current bullion price of 20.09.2024

Fine Weight Purchase Price Sales Price
10 g 390.00 € 440.00 €
20 g 750.00 € 820.00 €
50 g 1865.00 € 2050.00 €
100 g 3650.00 € 4100.00 €

Current coin price of 20.09.2024

Fine WeightPurchase PriceSales Price
1/1 Ounce 1245.00 € 1295.00 €
1/2 Ounce 622.00 € 688.00 €
1/4 Ounce 310.00 € 342.00 €
1/10 Ounce 125.00 € 141.00 €

Current gold price

[Most Recent Quotes from www.kitco.com]

American Golden Eagle (USA)

The American Eagle shows the illustration of an eagle and has its name from the old gold coins from the American period of economic raise. Because of the composition of the alloy metals (3% silver and 5,33 % copper), this gold coin is more practical against scratches. As continuous motive, the coin shows the Liberty on the one side and on the other side the eagle flying to his nest.